
I am so thrilled to welcome you to my new site and blog! This was a goal when I first started teaching Momtography classes in Orange County so I am very excited to start sharing all that I love about photography. I expect I will share lots of tips and tricks plus guide you through photo and printing projects. There will probably be a bit about parenting, crafting, and my family’s love of Disney thrown in too!

So I figured for this “welcome” post, I would share a bit more about how I became interested in photography. Although I bought my first DSLR camera before kids and with the goal of taking beautiful photos of our travels, it wasn’t until we started a family that I became more invested in it. Unfortunately our journey as parents did not start out as planned. Our first son Max was born with a congenital heart defect and we lost him at one week old. His entire life was spent in the NICU and all of our photos of Max were taken with our cell phones. Most tend to be a bit blurry and dark as well, which makes me sad as they are our only photos of him. We just didn’t expect to lose him.

From that experience, Max inspired me to turn my focus to taking more and better photos of our family and to also not be shy about capturing the everyday moments. So when my son Lennox was born, I wanted to make sure I captured all his cute baby details and documented our life through photos. I remember reading all of these online tutorials to learn the functions of my DSLR and setting up my mini photo shoots. It was so fun and I absolutely love his First Year photo book I created from the photos. I made a lot of technical mistakes in those first years, but you can feel the love and heart in those pictures.

In early 2015, I signed up for the online version of Momtography with my mentor, Beryl Young. I really wanted to master all the settings on my camera and the class exceeded my expectations. That is the moment when I definitely fell in love with photography! Since then, I have never stopped learning. Through creative photo projects, taking more classes, and even attending a conference, I have found ways to continue growing as a photographer. It is so rewarding having my photos hung on my walls and printed in books.

My goal in teaching photography to other parents is to inspire them to take more photos of their family. I aim to make them feel more confident with their camera to provide them with the tools to successfully document the stories of their life. Plus, get those beautiful blurry backgrounds!

If you are interested in taking a class, please check out that section of my site for upcoming dates. And please subscribe to the blog. It would make me so happy!

So tell me more about you! How did you become interested in photography? What type of content would you like me to share in this blog? Post a comment below.